Are you looking to buy a home in the Roxborough Colorado area? Today in our community series, and if you subscribe to my YouTube channel or if you like my David Novak Homes Facebook page, I will keep you informed of the best places to live near Littleton, Today I’m focusing on to give you as an out of state person if you’re looking to buy a home here in the Littleton 80125 area and such, just give you an idea of what there is to do here. Today I am out in the 80125 area, the Roxborough Colorado area, and I am at Waterton Canyon. If you’re not familiar with Waterton Canyon, it’s a haven for a lot of people in the Denver area. A lot of people come out here to hike, fish, bring their family for a picnic. Biking, of course. I love to mountain bike. If you’re looking at a place to go get on a mountain bike, this is a great area. You can ride up this access road. It’s about six miles to the top. Pretty easy ride up. You’ll have to fight some wind, whether you’re coming down or going up. It’s crazy, but the winds out here, as you can tell, it’s a little windy today. But once you get up to the top, you’ll get on a single track and you can go a few different directions. One of them that I like to take is the Roxborough Loop. Give yourself about one to two hours, depending on, I guess, how much you’ve been riding. The trail is moderate to difficult, but it’s a great little loop and it’ll loop you back around and bring you back down here. Or you can take the Colorado Trail and you can go on for miles. The one suggestion I’ll give you, if you take that ride, you can go on for hours. Make sure you plan that out or go with somebody that has done that ride because we’d sure hate to have you get lost out here. But again, the Waterton Canyon area is a gorgeous area of Roxborough. You’ll see anything from big horn sheep, which I’ve run into a lot and you’ll run into as you’re hiking this trail. You’ll also run into a lot of deer out here and occasionally you’ll see bear out here. You’ll see a bear with their cubs. Fortunately they’re usually off in the distance so you don’t have to worry about them. But as most of you know, just don’t go up to them and leave them alone and you’re fine. Occasionally you can run into rattlesnakes on the trails, so I want you to be cautious of that. But anyway, just a great area of Littleton out here. And I really, really strongly suggest that if you haven’t been here to come check it out. And if you’re from out of town and you’re looking at buying a property in Douglas County or the 80125 zip code, I would suggest Roxborough because you have access, easy access to this gorgeous canyon and it’s within walking distance of some of the subdivisions, really all the subdivisions. It’s just a quick ride. You just hop in your car and there’s plenty of parking. Anyway, I hope this information was beneficial to you, and stay tuned to my YouTube page where I’m going to be highlighting different areas of Littleton, Colorado.… If you’re looking to buy a home in Littleton, Colorado area, I’m going to showcase a few neighborhoods and other things to do. Anyway, subscribe to my YouTube page with the link below. Also go to David Novak Homes on Facebook and like our page.…
And please remember, those of you that follow me already know this, but for every transaction that we do, we donate back to our rescue dog organizations . If you’d like more information on how you can contribute to our organizations or maybe you’re moving here and you want to adopt a dog, there’s information on that. We’d love to help you out. Just go to rescuedogrealestate and you can message me through that or message me through the Facebook page. I had to get a plug out for that. So, anyway, from out here in Waterton Canyon, I just want to say I hope you all have a great day. Come check this out and if you have any other questions hit me up. And again, I hope you have a great day.